Privacy Policy

Refund Policy

You will receive a full refund (less any applicable transaction fees) if you cancel your order at any time prior to our beginning work on your project. If you are not completely pleased with your purchase, you can request a refund. All remaining payments on your order will be refunded if this occurs. We cannot issue a refund for the portion of your project for the reason that we have already provided services. The only payment that will be reimbursed is the remaining balance. But if you have a valid complaint and want a full refund, you can write to us about it and we'll make a judgment that's fair for everyone involved.

Procedure for Changes

We offer a full refund guarantee and free revisions at any time. We offer free, limitless changes at the request of our customers. In the event that more pages are needed, additional fees will be assessed. Requests for free revisions must be made no later than 20 calendar days after the date the customer received the reference paper. However, the time frame can be up to 45 days longer for large orders. As long as the request is reasonable and comes within these parameters, we will make the necessary changes to the order at no additional cost.

After the aforementioned period, it is presumed that the customer is happy with the service

If the customer sends in a revision request and the reference paper turns out to include plagiarized content, they must include a plagiarism report. There is a typical minimum turnaround time of 24 hours for any modification requests related to a customer's order, but this time frame may be shortened depending on the urgency of the transaction.

Urgency-based revision turnaround times are as follows:

The turnaround time for revisions on orders with a 24-hour deadline would be 24 hours.

You are not entitled to a refund under our policy if you cancel the agreement with us after discovering a lower price from one of our rivals or any other academics company on the market.

The turnaround time for urgent orders is 24 hours, and it takes 48 hours to make changes.

Orders with a processing time of 48 hours or more will have a 72-hour window for revisions.